A small proportion of member fees, and donations to the national Green Party are given to Wiltshire Green Party, but we raise the majority of our funds locally.
It costs a lot of money each year to distribute leaflets, to organise events and to fight elections. We don’t rely on corporate donors or union fees; we rely on individual supporters and members.
One off donations are welcome, but a small regular amount by standing order is the most effective way to support our work. Money donated using the details below will be spent locally, helping get more Green councillors elected at town, district and county level.
Use our donation page
Support Wiltshire Green Party here.
Donate using online banking
If you have online banking, the easiest way to donate is to set-up a one-off or regular payment to Wiltshire Green Party from your online banking using the following details:
Bank: Lloyds Bank, 3 Church Street, Great Bedwyn, Marlborough SN8 3PE
Sort code: 30-91-99
Account number: 31130368
Reference: [your name]
Donate by Standing Order
A small regular payment is a great way to help your local Green Party.
If you would like to make a direct regular donation, please download our Standing Order Form.
You can use the details on this form to set-up a regular donation from your online banking as above, or you can print it, fill in the details and send it direct to your bank, or to the treasurer at the address below.
Donate via Cheque
Please make out a cheque to “CHIPPENHAM, DEVIZES, & N. Wilts GREEN PARTY” and send it to:
Wiltshire Green Party
Malmesbury Road
SN16 9QX
Whichever method you choose, thank you very much for your support.